Effective January 2025, there has been a change to the US Club Soccer carding process for assistant coaches under the age of 18.
TCSL has been notified that US Club Soccer has ceased issuing coach passes for individuals under the age of 18. Players under the age of 18 can act as an assistant coach for a US Club registered team if they have a valid US Club Soccer player passcard for the current soccer year.
To clarify: A US Club carded player under the age of 18 is allowed to be present on the bench during a game or to be present at practices to assist with coaching, as long as the player possesses a valid US Club player pass for the current soccer year AND a US Club carded coach is also present for the duration of the match or practice in question. The player should also have a statement indicating such that is available to clubs by submitting a support request to US Club Soccer staff online. The response from US Club Soccer would then be printed to provide officials at the field if requested. All player eligibility requirements still apply, including completion of SafeSport and club exclusion list review for players turning 18 during the current soccer year.
Further clarification and a list of Frequently Asked Questions is available here.